Marigold Therapy
Marigold Therapy is a complementary, natural therapy used by specially trained podiatrists in the treatment of many foot conditions. It involves the application of plant-based medication, in the form of pastes, tinctures, oils, creams and ointments. It is a completely safe, pain free treatment and has been extensively researched and proven to be an effective form of treatment. Marigold Therapy will usually be recommended by your podiatrist if they feel that you would benefit. It is used in conjunction with other treatments to achieve the best possible outcome.
This treatment can be used to treat many conditions, including:
- Corns and Callus
- Ulcers & Wounds
- Eczema
- Athletes Foot
- Verruca
- Painful Bunions
- Fungal infections
- Sprains & Strains …and many more
During your first appointment, a dressing will be applied to your foot, which you will be asked to keep on for one week. The dressing will need to be wetted daily, but for no more than 3 minutes on the first 3 days. The number of treatments that you will need will vary depending on your condition and how it reacts to the Marigold Therapy. Typically between 2-4 initial treatments are recommended at weekly intervals and then a follow up appointment will be made 2-3 months later. You will also be given Marigold products to use yourself. Marigold Therapy is suitable for people of all ages.
For more details, ask your podiatrist and they will be happy to explain the treatment in more detail.
The Foot Space only uses Marigold Therapy medication that is produced under patent and under licence from the Department of Health Medicines and Health care Regulatory Agency and is obtainable only from Marigold Footcare ltd. Other marigold products are not recommended and do not produce the same outcomes.