Biomechanics is about the way your body moves, in particular for us, how the movements of your lower limb and foot affect the rest of you. It is important that your feet are in good working order; otherwise you will feel aches and pains in other areas of your body; such as your knees, hips and back, as well as in your feet.
For most people, they will want a biomechanical assessment when they feel something is wrong, e.g. pain in the foot, feeling unstable when standing, unexplained corns and callous or injuring a particular area. However, you don't have to have a problem before you have an assessment - it may be recommended by your clinician as a result of seeing you for a different appointment, or you may wish to just have a check so any problems are caught early.
During your initial appointment, the podiatrist/chiropodist will discuss your symptoms with you and carry out a physical assessment. The assessment involves looking at the way you stand and walk, checking the joints and muscles, assessing your footwear and lifestyle. You should wear shorts for this appointment, or at least some loose fitting trousers. It would also be helpful if you brought along a variety of shoes you wear for different activities, such as trainers, work shoes, walking shoes and in particular the footwear that causes the pain (if it is specific). After the assessment has been carried out, a treatment plan will then be formulated between you and your clinician.
Your treatment plan may involve orthotics, exercises, footwear advice, acupuncture, manipulation and mobilisation. The biomechanical assessment will be approximately 60 minutes (this may be split into two 30 minute sessions).