Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 〰️

Welcome to The Foot Space

We are a podiatry/chiropody clinic, offering treatments for lower limb and foot problems. All our podiatrists and chiropodists are fully qualified and are experienced clinicians. 

At The Foot Space, we believe you should look after your feet. We all know what it feels like to have sore feet, wear bad shoes, suffer a sprain or have an in-growing toe-nail; and how it can affect your day. You shouldn’t have to suffer with lower limb or foot pain and at The Foot Space we aim to provide the best foot care possible to give you back that spring in your step. The treatment section has more details on the types of treatment we provide. Not all lower limb and foot problems can be listed here, so if there is a particular problem you are concerned about please do not hesitate to contact us and we will do our best to help. It's not just your feet that we look after. The Foot Space also has several complementary therapists who can help the rest of your body to feel great too! We have a physiotherapist, a reflexologist and a massage therapist. For more details on these treatments, have a look at the complementary therapies section under treatments. We also sell a wide range of foot care products including creams, sprays, insoles, orthotics, dressings and padding (see Products). Furthermore, home visits are available for people with limited mobility and are unable to come to the clinic. It is best if you can come to the clinic as the number of people we can see outside of the premises each week is strictly limited and we would like to keep these appointments for those who really need it.